
The Humanities’ Place in Research Spending

Only 93 universities spent more than $1 million on humanities research in 2016. Here are 3.

Liam Adams, The Chronicle of Higher Education, August 20, 2018

Ancient Tradition Gets a New Look

Matthew Gindin reviews Hyecho’s Journey, which explores how major Buddhist pilgrimage sites might have appeared to an 8th-century Korean monk.

Matthew Gindin, Tricycle Magazine, Summer 2018

Hyecho book cover.jpg


The Buddhas Go to Washington

The Sackler Gallery in Washington, D.C. features a new, three-year-long exhibition, Encountering the Buddha: Art and Practice across Asia.

Ann Doran, Tricycle Magazine, Spring 2018

Hyecho’s Journey

A mysterious monk, a multi-city research project, and the future of the humanities.

Jerzy Drozd and Brian Short, University of Michigan LSA Magazine, Fall 2017
